Dr. Stephanie Metzger, DNP, RN

How to Contact Dr. Metzger

If you need to request a refill on a medication or communicate questions or symptoms directly with Dr. Metzger, please visit the portal to message her.

If you are experiencing an emergency, proceed to your nearest emergency room or dial 911.

Dr. Metzger only checks her messages during her working hours. Prescription Refill Requests take between 5-7 business days, please make sure to request a refill more than a week before you will run out of medication.

When Requesting a Refill of a Medication, please make sure to include the following information. We strongly encourage copying and pasting the format below into the message and completing the information:

  • Medication Name:
  • Dosage:
  • Pharmacy Name and Location

Please note that the portal is not to be used for appointment cancelations, if you need to cancel please call 703-935-0058, Option 2, or email [email protected]. If you need to cancel, please contact us at least two business days (Saturdays and Sundays not included) prior to your appointment date and time to avoid incurring any late cancelation charges.

If you do not have access to the portal, please call 703-935-0058, Option 2, or email [email protected]. We will send you an invitation to the portal.

About Me

Stephanie G. Metzger DNP, RN, CPNP-PC, PMHS is a Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and sees individuals and their families from birth to 20. Dr. Metzger provides trauma-informed care and believes that a positive relationship is central in the development of a holistic treatment plan. With an interpersonal approach, prescribing medication is but one part of treatment. Therapy, self-care, and development of coping strategies are essential to restore balance and foster resiliency in relationships. Comprehensive care is provided for complex emotional, behavioral, and interpersonal difficulties related to anxiety, depression, trauma, grief and loss, emotional dysregulation and reactivity, separation and blending of families, LGBTQIA+ challenges, stress management, chronic conditions, healthy relationships and transition between developmental stages.

Dr. Metzger received a Doctorate of Nursing Practice from the University of Virginia, a Post Master’s Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Certificate and a Master of Science from Virginia Commonwealth University and a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Dr. Metzger has been awarded the Distinguished Alumna Award from University of North Carolina at Greensboro and the Nurse Alumni Award for Outstanding Clinical Practice from Virginia Commonwealth University. To nurture her own mental health Dr. Metzger volunteers for a local animal shelter and enjoys time in nature through hiking, kayaking, photography, and camping.