Noel Goldberg, Psy.D.

Welcome. The most important aspect of psychotherapy is the relationship with the therapist. Working through conflicts or past pain happens through experiencing, not just through merely reading or thinking about things. Gaining self acceptance and discovering how to bring an open heart to your family or intimate relationships does not come simply from acquiring an insight, or from reading a "how to" book. It starts with the healing relationship… and the only way you will find out how comfortable you might feel with your therapist is to talk to them in person. My focus in treatment is on the relationship.
Participating in psychotherapy is an excellent way to learn about the obstacles that block you from achieving your life goals and it can help you discover your potential. Through interpersonal feedback, you learn how you are being perceived by others and determine if you want to change this perception.
In addition to my doctorate, I also have a Masters degree in Educational Psychology which helps me identify the best way to "teach." Since psychotherapy is about learning to change behavior, this helps improve my ability to communicate. Please view my book "ABC's of Mental Health" on Amazon.
Dr Goldberg is based out of our Vienna office.