Stephanie Cojocaru, Psy.D
Sometimes, difficult things happen in life, leaving you feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, or even isolated. You might try to cope with these situations by using strategies you used before, only to realize they don't work as well anymore. As a result, you may find your distress has started to affect other areas of your life (school, work, relationships, etc.) As a Clinical Psychologist, I have a lot of experience in providing evidence-based care to individuals, couples, and families who have found themselves in such situations. I also specialize in providing services to military/veteran populations and juvenile offenders.
By now, you may have tried several methods for changing how you think/feel, but haven't found any to be effective in the long-term. I'm here to help you develop new, more flexible ways to manage your thoughts/feelings and cope with daily life. Interested in psychological testing? Many people often seek testing to reveal a clearer picture of what's going on.
What do you actually care about? Is your behavior aligned with what matters to you? Often times, a misalignment can cause a change in your mood. I'm here to help you discover what matters to you, create goals, and anchor your behavior in the life domains you care about, so you can start feeling better.
Dr. Cojocaru only does testing via Telehealth.